Elite Egress Kit with Escape Window - Tan

Well Size: 66" W x 44" P x 48", 60" or 72" HWindow Size: 28" W x 46" H or 31" W x 41" H
Materials: Fiberglass composite
Weight: 195 lbs.
Code Compliant: Yes
Notes: Windows ship separately from the rest of the order.
Production Time: 1 - 2 Weeks
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Are you renovating and need to add a basement escape window? The Elite Egress kit is fully compliant with all IRC Codes, making it the perfect safety solution.
This kit contains two exceptional products – our most popular window well and our most efficient, easiest to install window. The window well is made of a fiberglass composite, durable enough so you don't need to backfill with rock or pea gravel. It's made in one piece, making installation easy, and includes built-in exit steps. The Tan color makes it look great with most exterior finishes, and really looks like natural stone. At 66" wide, you can choose from 48", 60", or 72" in height.
The kit's energy efficient window (with a U-value of .29) is 2-in-1 – a single hung window within an inswing window. You can lift the lower sash to let in fresh air adding ventilation to your space. If you need to get out fast, like in case of fire, the entire assembly swings in easily for a fully functional emergency exit. It's also designed to fit into a standard basement window space so that you can install it yourself -- no need to hire a stone mason or engineer. When ordering window, make sure you select the hinge side of the window when looking from inside the room to outside.
We also include a cover made specifically for the Elite window well. This keeps out pets, messy debris, and prevents accidental falls into the well.
The Elite is the smart choice for your basement remodel. It will look great, and best of all, you'll have peace of mind knowing you have an emergency exit you can count on.