Easy Egress Kit with Tilt and Turn Window - White

Well Size: 52" W x 36" P x 46", 60" or 72" HWindow Size: 28" W x 46" H or 31" W x 41" H
Materials: Galvanized Steel
Weight: 200 lbs.
Code Compliant: Yes
Notes: When ordering please choose the hinge side based on the orientation of looking from inside the room looking out. The window in this kit may ship separately from the rest of the order.
Production Time: 1 - 3 business days
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The Easy Egress kit offers everything you need to satisfy the IRC building codes for basements used a livable space.
The kit includes:
This package is suitable for servicing an area up to roughly 70 square feet. Multiple windows can be used in the same room to increase the serviceable area to meet, or exceed, the size of the room.